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Cycling in the snow…

London Snow

London Snow

Excellent news,

My new bike arrived last week and finally my training for the ride of 2011 can begin.

I made the decision to continue to cycle to work despite the cold weather. Now was this a good idea or not? Well day after day of snow has made the roads very slippery and dangerous for cyclists all over the country. I have researched a few top tips for cycling in these conditions.

Tips for Cycling in the Snow:

  1. Stay seated where possible – As soon as you stand up your weight moves forward losing traction in the rear wheel,
  2. Let your tyre pressure down a little to increase grip,
  3. Ride in a easier lower gear,
  4. Follow the tread patterns in the road – this is where the snow has already melted. Take a defensive line and don’t be intimidated into cycling in the gutter, on treacherous cycle paths or icy parts of the road,
  5. Take wide corners – Slow down before reaching your turn to avoid breaking in the corner,
  6. If there are no tyre tracks to follow, ride in the powder rather than smooth snow as smooth snow is often icy,
  7. Wear glasses – Snow will sting your eyes making it difficult to see,
  8. Layer – Wrap up warm, I layered two together with a wind proof jacket, two pairs of socks and lined leather gloves.

So on that note wrap up & ride safe as cyclists are extremely vulnerable in weather like this.

Take Care.


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