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November Cycle Update

Well it has certainly been a long time, but I’m back.
The last few months have been really busy and there has been a lack of rides leading up to the end of the summer/ autumn.

But earlier this week, kitted up I set off to Richmond Park, unfortunately with the lack of training 40miles nearly killed me. The weather was great infact 16° C in November made the ride more pleasant.
The other thing I noticed and a remarkable improvement is the condition of the roads on the approach to Richmond in preperation for the 2012 lympic Cycle Ride.

The next talking point is that of the Cycle 2 Save Lives 2012 challenge (London to Paris) I need to start taking names of people that would like to take part. Stay tuned a there will be a post in the next couple of weeks with the details about the ride.

Until the next post take care and cycle safe.


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