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Corporate Sponsors

Big Yellow Self Storage

Big Yellow Self Storage has kindly sponsored the cycling kits for Cycle 2 Save Lives.

Lets Move London

Lets Move London

Lets Move London Removals have kindly offered to provided a man and van to collect and return the bikes to London after the 60 mile journey to Eastbourne ’11 as well as the funding for the London 2 Paris cycle ride ’12.

Thomas from Designheap supported us by creating the ultimate logo for the “Cycle 2 Save Lives” team which will be used on all future literature and kit designs. Thanks Thom I cannot put a price on the advice support you have given.

Sponsorship Packages

The first part of the fund raising is for our cycle kit.

Sponsorship Breakdown:
£1.50 per mile – Company Logo on Website;
£2.00 per mile – Company Logo and link on Website;

Please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.

We have had articles in the local Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Merton Guardian papers prior to a few of the rides to help raise funds as well as an article after with pictures of our successes on the Guardian website.

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