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Cycling in the winter

WOW I’ve had a week off work and on my return per normal woke up put on my cycle gear and headed off. I was certainly caught out by the sudden change in weather. Leaving for 06:30 hot been that painful for a long time.

Saying that this weekend I’ll be off to get a […]

6 Reasons – Why it’s best to Cycle in the City

6 Reasons why to choose cycling over other modes of transport:

1) Cycling is fun.

From childhood we all have memories of our first bike, learning to ride without stabalisers and even our first accident, yet the enjoyment we get from cycling ensures we keep getting back on our lifelong favourate toy

2) See our […]

Thanks for taking part

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that took part and cycled from Tooting to Eastbourne (60miles) on the 7th May ’11.

Warwick, Mark, Ben, Kev, Phil, Stuart, Michael, Eamon, Ian formed the team of 9 that ended up cycling the complete ride on the day. I […]